Curated by Independent Dance at Siobhan Davies Dance Studios 

Presented by Independent Dance in association with Siobhan Davies DanceWhat_Now 2014 re-imagined the idea of a festival by hosting a group of 20 artists to explore processes of moving through collective practice and theory, asking: what moves us, and how do we articulate and think through movement?  

Over four days and three nights, 20 residency artists were invited to live and sleep in Siobhan Davies Studios. Their time together involved following strands of thought, allowing guest speakers’ contributions feed into their processes, working on and with actions without necessarily producing choreographic objects. In the opening circle as we gathered for the first time, curator Frank Bock welcomed us to the festival with the words ‘time is the greatest resource we have’.  

Audiences were invited to listen in, converse, watch, read, and share – to look for things that happen, and be a part of what was happening.